You can’t control what you don’t measure
Smart Analytics

Monitor Your KPIs
How Smart Analytics Works
- Passkey Utilization Rate
- Registration Success Rate
- Authentication Success Rate
- Authentication Time
When users take 20 seconds on average to sign in with passwords, you might be satisfied knowing that historic numbers correspond with higher values. But, when you see 15 seconds for sign-in using passkeys, does that meet internal expectations and KPIs? Passkeys are new, so performance standards are difficult to assess. Nok Nok Smart Analytics provides comparisons to industry benchmarks. These insights make it easy to decide if your KPIs are satisfactory or might need improvement.
Nok Nok Smart Analytics provides fine grained measurements that help determine “what” can be improved. The “what” will be different if your results show users are taking a long time to decide whether they should provide a biometric gesture (UI might need adjustments), compared to a situation where the authentication latency dominates the authentication time (performance improvements).
Nok Nok Smart Analytics provides suggestions for “how” to improve your KPIs. For example, use Nok Nok Quick Authentication if authentication latency is the critical factor to improve sign-in time.